Cheap Dormitory in Munnar | Good Dormitories in Munnar | Low Budget Dormitory in Munnar | Dormitory Accommodation in Munnar | Cheap Inexpensive Dormitory Available in Munnar | Budget Dormitory Service in Munnar
"Is there an inexpensive dormitory available in Munnar ? " "Can we get dormitory accommodation for students / office / family groups ?"
We used to get similar enquirers from our visitors frequently.
Dormitory accommodation is available in munnar with cheap rates. We assure you to provide dormitory accommodation with neat an clean rooms with hygienic toilets or bathrooms.
Dormitories with Bed space for 7, 10 , 12, 15, 20 are available in munnar town itself. If you having a larger group in between 50 to 100 pax we can help you . According to the strength of the group we can provide accommodation.