GV Bunglow / GV Bungalow Munnar is very near to Tea Plantation / Tea Garden. So our guests can enjoy their stay with beautiful tea plantation view. We are categorized it as Budget Cottage with Tea Garden View, Beautiful Tea Plantation Villa.
Beautiful GV Bunglow is located in Devikulam and is just 07 Kilometers away from Munnar Town
Beautiful GV Bunglow is located in Devikulam and is just 07 Kilometers away from Munnar Town
So GV Bunglow is very much suitable for Family Group, Students Groups, If you are looking for separate accommodation for boys and girls in munnar, this is one good option. Surroundings of GV Bunglow is pretty scenic. Its very near to tea garden and also we have some outdoor activities as well. Bonfire facility is also offered by the hotel.
We are also giving GV Bunglow at dormitory cost for small groups like 08 Pax, 10 Pax, 12 Pax, 15 Pax, 20 Pax, 25 Pax, 30 Pax
Own restaurant
Room service
Travel Desk
Free Parking
Coffee Shop
Outdoor Activities