Dormitory Name : HKP Dormitory, Munnar
HKP Dormitory is located on cochin direction and we have capacity to occupy 200 persons at a time. This dormitory is very budget option with basic amenities
HKP Dormitory Facilities
* Television and Blankets not available
Remarks :-
* For Student’s Group Bookings the cost will be same for students
and staffs/teachers.
Dormitory available in Munnar @ Rs.175/- per person
per night ( For Minimum 200 Members )
Dormitory Pictures
HKP Dormitory is located on cochin direction and we have capacity to occupy 200 persons at a time. This dormitory is very budget option with basic amenities
- * Neat and Clean Dormitory Accommodation with Bed & Bed sheets, Pillow & Pillow Cover
- *Common Bathrooms for Dormitory
- *08 Double Rooms with attached Bathrooms
- *Early Morning Check Inn Facility on extra cost
- *Early Morning Fresh Up Facility on extra cost
- *Enough Parking Space for Big Buses, Coaches , Cars etc
- *Kitchen Space (On Extra Charge)
- *Campfire Arrangements (Nearby Spot)
- *Food Arrangements with Reasonable Cost on Request
* Television and Blankets not available
Remarks :-

* Staff/Teachers accommodation will be provided along with students
* Cost will be same for adults and children
* Cost will be same for adults and children
Good Dormitory in Munnar @ Rs.195/- per person per
night (For Minimum 150 Members )
Dormitory Pictures
Individual Room Pictures